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Campus Security


Avoid theft

  • When you leave your office, laboratory or residence, lock the door and close all windows.
  • Never leave access doors propped open.
  • When storing a purse or wallet in the office, put it in a seldom-used file cabinet and lock the cabinet.
  • Do not leave any backpack or bags in open public places unsupervised, especially in cafeterias and libraries.
  • Keep a record of serial numbers and a description of your valuables.
  • Engrave your property, preferably with your ID, staff or student number.
  • Never leave items displayed inside a parked car.
  • Invest in a steering wheel or gear lever lock, including early warning alarm/tracking.
  • Lock your door and windows even when leaving the room for a short time.
  • Keep emergency numbers next to your phone or fixed onto your desk.
  • Secure your door and windows when you are alone and asleep.
  • Do not leave house keys hidden in a traditional location such as under the doormat.
  • Do not put your address on your key ring.
  • Get to know your neighbours. You can keep an eye on each other’s rooms when you are not there. Practice the Buddy-Buddy system and Neighbourhood Watch.
  • Contact SPUCS on 053 491 0911 to report suspicious persons or activities in or around your neighbourhood.
  • Do not leave any messages on your door to indicate that you are away for a period of time.
  • Do not keep large sums of money inside your room or on person.
  • Take your valuables home when you go on holiday.
  • Remember, you are safer when walking in groups especially at night.
  • Get into the habit of being escorted by a security official when walking late at night within SPU University premises or Residences.
  • Practice using the “Green Route/Safe Walk” when walking in and around University properties. You have the advantage of being close to the emergency phones and surveillance cameras that monitor the area.
  • Avoid walking in the dark and deserted areas. Stay away from short cuts.
  • Avoid parking your car in isolated areas.
  • Lock all possessions in the boot before parking your vehicle.
  • Have your car keys ready when approaching your vehicle.
  • Lock your door as soon as you get into the car.
  • Drive in well-travelled streets and never give a lift to a hitchhiker or strangers.
  • If you think you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station, shop or business to seek assistance.
  • If your car breaks down, open your boot or bonnet (if it is safe to do so) and then stay inside your locked car. Use your cell phone to call an emergency service or wait until assistance arrives. When a person stops to help you, do not get out of the car; instead ask them to call for professional help.
  • Motor vehicle crimes include vehicle theft, theft from vehicles and malicious damage to property. In the past, car thieves tended to target luxury cars.  However, today any car is at risk of being stolen. Thieves target older models as there is a ready market for replacement parts.
  • There are many anti-theft devices available on the market, from elaborate alarm systems to simple steering wheel locks. Many systems offer adequate defence against motor vehicle theft. Vehicle alarms will activate when a vehicle is tampered with but people have become so accustomed to “false alarms” which attract little or no attention.
  • Devices that lock the steering wheel or the gear lever provide a high degree of deterrence and security for a vehicle. Although no system is impenetrable, thieves usually look for the path of least resistance. In crowded parking facilities, a thief will look for an unprotected car rather than tackle a security device. Paying thousands to buy a car but spending nothing to protect it doesn’t make sense!
  • Car break-ins: Put out enough bait and you will get a strike. Leave valuables visible in your car and someone will strike … your car. Car stereos, cell phones and numerous other items are commonly taken from cars on the University’s campuses. In most cases, the items stolen were visible to passers-by. Removing items from view is one of your best defences against this type of crime. Some car owners are so proud of their ground-shaking car stereos (which, when played at extreme volumes, are not only illegal but also disturb other drivers).  However, they are also advertising to the thieves that this is the vehicle to rip off.
  • If you have any expensive accessories in your car, engrave your driver’s licence number onto them for identification.
  • If you are buying a stereo system, pick one that can be removed and placed in the trunk when the vehicle is left unattended. Always check to ensure no one is watching before doing so.
  • Never place valuables on the seat beside you. Keep them on the floor.
  • SPUCS receives reports of multi-media equipment stolen after being left unattended after adjournment of a class. Most of these items are laptops, external hard drives, USBs, iPads and cell phones, for example.
  • When arranging for a pick-up of university equipment, try and arrange for the items to be picked up at your office or some other occupied area.
  • SPUCS also receives numerous reports each semester of book bags being stolen or items being taken from book bags – even though at the time of the theft the owner was in very close proximity to the bag.
  • Students often move between rooms during classes and leave their book bags behind. Even in a full room, a thief can avoid detection while lifting your wallet, cellular telephone or other valuables.
  • Always keep a close eye on your property and take only essential items with you to class.
  • Most importantly practice Buddy-Buddy System or Neighbourhood Watch strategies.
  • Students who study or conduct research in laboratories need to maintain control over their book bags and other valuables at all times.
  • Each semester, students who leave their desks to return a book, make photocopies or perform other activities, are victims of theft.
  • Take your belongings with you.
  • No one intends to lose their wallet or purse but it happens. Some people feel it is a status symbol to have a lot of cash or credit cards crammed into their wallets. While this may look impressive, losing your wallet could open up your life to a common thief. Take only what you need for the day and leave the rest securely at home. Carry your wallet or purse in a bag or a pocket rather than in your hand. Thieves look for the path of least resistance and could snatch the item out of your hand.

  • A sexual assault does not always have to be committed by a stranger; it can happen on a date. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, know who to call for a ride home or have money ready for a taxi. Realise that the more alcoholic beverages you consume, the less aware and more vulnerable you will become.
  • Avoid drinking offered drinks; you may be spiked with commonly known “date rape drug”.
  • When you are a victim of a sexual related offence:
  • Call SPUCS on (telephone) 053 491 0911.
  • Call a friend or relative for support.
  • SPUCS officers are capable of dealing with the situation. Let them assist you.
  • You may request to be assisted by a female SPUCS officer.
  • Ensure the matter is reported to the local police if needs be.
  • Remember important evidence will be lost if rape victims take a bath, shower or change their clothes.
  • There is always be someone that can be called out to offer advice and to ensure that all the critical procedures have been followed.

Campus Security has an after-hours escort service available for staff and students on campus. This is useful if you are working late. If you require an escort, dial 053 491 0911 and provide the following information:

  • Your name and staff/student number
  • Your current location and your intended destination
  • Call back number in case of delay.

Alternatively, go to any of our Control rooms, you are encouraged to inform Control Room at least at least 30 minutes before actual departing time.


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