2020 2nd IMITEC 2020 - KEYNOTES

Professor Xiaofang Zhou is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Queensland, leading the Data Science Research Group at University of Queensland.
His research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analysing very large amount of complex data for business, scientific and personal applications.
More He has been working in the area of spatial and multimedia databases, data quality, high performance database systems, data mining, streaming data analytics and recommendation systems. He is a Program Committee Chair for PVLDB 2020, SSTD 2017, CIKM 2016, ICDE 2013, and a General Chair of MDM 2018 and ACM Multimedia 2015. He has been an Associate Editor of The VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, World Wide Web Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases, and IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. He was the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (2015-2018). He is a Fellow of IEEE. Professor Xiaofang Zhou’s keynote presentation will be on Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Data Management and Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities. Spatial trajectory analytics involves a wide range of research topics such as data management, query processing, data mining and machine learning, data quality and data privacy management. It can find many applications in intelligent transport systems, social media analysis, location-based systems, urban planning, smart city and many other IoT and 5G applications. New opportunities arise with massive and rapidly increasing volumes of high-quality spatiotemporal data from many sources such as GPS devices, mobile phones and social network applications, together with more powerful computing platforms and machine learning algorithms. Managing large-scale trajectory data and making sense from them become critically important. In this talk we will give an overview of this research field and discuss new research problems and new approaches for spatial trajectory computing research. Less

Prof Fulufuelo Nelwamondo was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University.
Through his progression, Prof Nelwamondo became the first in many things, in his family. These included being the first to board a plane, travel overseas, graduate with a degree, and first professor of the family.
More Prof Nelwamondo holds a Bachelor of Science and PhD in Electrical Engineering degrees in the area of Computational Intelligence, both from the University of the Witwatersrand. He is a registered Professional Engineer, and Executive Director of Modelling and Digital Science at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a visiting professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Johannesburg. He has research and practical experience in software engineering and in computational intelligence in various applications. Prof Nelwamondo is one of the youngest South Africans ever to receive the Harvard South Africa Fellowship and has been awarded many national and international research accolades, from organisations such as the IEEE and South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, among others. He has been awarded several accolades for best research and he has supervised a number of Masters and Doctoral students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Prof Nelwamondo has published over 100 research papers in journals, reviewed conferences and book chapters. He is a founding member of the South African Young Academy of Science and served on the Department of Home Affairs ministerial advisory committee on modernisation. Less

Ms Magasa is the founder and CEO of Boniswa Group which focuses on telecommunication services, equipment manufacturing, and tower collocation.
Under Ms Magasa, one of the most respected women in South African Telecommunication SME space, Boniswa Group was recognizsed as the Transformation Champion at the Top Empowerment Awards of 2019.
More Under her leadership, Boniswa Group has worked in more than 5000 cellular sites in South Africa, bringing cellular network to the community. She has participated in a number of international events organised by the UN and the WTO, addressing global SME challenges. After graduating with an MSc. in IT management, she went on to complete an MBA. She is presently in the process of enrolling for a DBA. In addition, she also completed a management advancement programme with the Wits Business School, a course on launching of a new venture with the Harvard Business School, and a driving profitable growth course with the Harvard Business School. Ms Magasa believes in lifelong learning, mentoring young executives, passionate about motivating women to do better. In 2013, she was awarded the top performing businesswoman of the year, then the top black female leader of the year in 2014, the fast growth black-owned SMME in 2014, top young entrepreneur in 2015, top empowered entrepreneur in 2016, and the same award in 2017. Ms Magasa is also a member of some international board such as co-chairing of the B20 cross-thematic group during Germany’s G20 presidency in 2017 and membership of the B20 Saudi Arabia for Digitalization Task Force, 2020. She has participated in a number of events organised by the United Nations as a panelist, sharing her experience on challenges faced by SMEs in Africa (2018). She also participated in the panel discussion on inclusive trade for SMEs during the United Nations Forum in Genève in 2016. Ms. Magasa’s keynote presentation will dwell on a critical topic on the digital divide which exists between urban and rural communities. She will share her points of view on how South Africa could accelerate the bridging of the digital divide in order to allow new entrants to succeed in the digital economy. Less
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Sol Plaatje University is in the city of Kimberley in South Africa’s Northern Cape Province.