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Period of Study: 2 Years (Part-time Only)

The Master of Education degree (MEd) is designed for the teacher in practice and educators working in other fields of education.

The rationale of this programme is to open pathways for graduates to further their studies by conducting academic research in the education discipline with a specific focus on sub-disciplines of education, or a combination of part-disciplines.

The degree aims to fulfil the need for more and appropriately qualified graduates who will be able to conduct outstanding research that would address various challenges faced by education regionally, nationally and globally.

The qualification will enhance and deepen graduate’s knowledge in various fields of education, such as curriculum studies, policy studies, early childhood development and psychology of education, enabling them to contribute significantly to the development of education.

The MEd aims to deliver graduates that will contribute towards the development and improvement of education as a discipline, schools, and the schooling system in South Africa and abroad.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements

The Master of Education (MEd) degree is a NQF level 9 qualification.

To gain access to the programme, a candidate must have obtained an approved Bachelor of Education (BEd) honours degree with an average of 60% OR a cognate Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) in Education, and additional research modules of at least 30 credits.

These minimum admission requirements will lay the foundation required to conduct research at NQF level 9.

Students who enrol for this programme also need to be computer literate and have an internet connection to be successful in the programme.

Admission to this programme is further subject to Sol Plaatje University’s Policy on Admissions (REG/004) and any other general admission requirements of the Sol Plaatje University, as well as discipline-specific requirements of a programme as specified in the School of Education rule book.

The University’s Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will be applied in instances where applicants do not meet the minimum admission requirements for entry into the MEd programme. Equity and access considerations will also be taken into account without risking the integrity of the programme.

The selection of candidates will be the responsibility of the School of Education’s Postgraduate Committee under the auspices of the Head of School.

Students will be selected based on the average of the exit level outcomes of the previous qualification.

MEd applicants will have to submit with their applications a letter of motivation / a detailed description of the research that they intend undertaking.


Programme structure

Programme structure

This is a Master of Education degree by research, and no modules/courses are applicable. However, all candidates will be required to complete a compulsory institutional Research Design Course.


This degree is designed for any teacher in practice, and educators working in other fields of Education, such as in the Department of Education.

The Master of Education degree will pave the way for students to apply for and study towards a PhD in Education, a highly sought-after degree recognized nationally and internationally.

The knowledge, skills, and dispositions candidates will develop will enlarge and contribute towards the existing pool of Education specialists and professionals working in various fields as policy researchers, curriculum specialists, school psychologists, and early childhood development practitioners.

The skills, knowledge, and dispositions acquired in this qualification will enable candidates to apply for various senior or specialized work opportunities within Education or elsewhere.

For more information please contact:

Mr Patrick May

053 491 0220

[email protected]

You can download a comprehensive list of all our qualifications that will be offered in 2022 by clicking here.