Period of study: 3 Years
The Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) has been carefully designed to address a critical skills shortage in the country and will provide access to students in the Northern Cape to an advanced area of study in a critical contemporary discipline. The aim of the programme is to:
- produce science graduates who have: a systematic and coherent body of knowledge and an understanding of underlying concepts and principles; the ability to access and evaluate scientific information including knowing how scientific knowledge is created; a high level of cognitive and other generic skills including problem-solving, written and spoken communication and computer literacy; and competence in applying knowledge through basic research methods and
- Provide every graduate with a sufficient depth of knowledge and skills that give opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, including postgraduate study, for gainful economic activity in a range of careers, and for rewarding and constructive contributions to
- Provide society with science graduates who demonstrate initiative and responsibility, who are professional and ethical in their roles within the economy and society, and who are able to be intellectual leaders within their societ
- Produce graduates in all scientific fields, in order to increase, widen and transform the leadership base in South Africa, both for innovation and science-based economic and research development, and for the education of future generations of scientists, technologists, engineers and other professional
Admission Requirements
(a) First time entering students who passed Grade 12 with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and admission requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree, will be admitted into a BSc programme in the School only if s/he has a rating of at least 30 APS (Admission Point Score).
show more (b) First time entering students with a Matriculation exemption obtained prior to 2008 will be admitted into the BSc programme in the School only if they obtain a minimum APS of 30 as calculated by converting the obtained grade symbols to APS. (c) In order to be considered for selection into a programme, an applicant is required to comply with the programme’s minimum admission criteria in respect of the total APS. Meeting the School’s minimum requirements for a particular programme does not necessarily guarantee admission to that programme as specific selection criteria may be applied. Programme Structure The programme is offered in three specific sub-field specializations namely; Students will enroll into one of the sub-field specialization as listed above. BSc (Biological Sciences) (Qualification Code: NBSC707) BSc (Mathematical and Computer Sciences) (NBSC705) BSc (Physical Sciences) (Chemistry: NBSC761) BSc (Physical Sciences) (Physics: NBSC762) The following tables detail the structure of the BSc Programme in terms of specialization.

Science graduates are open to various career opportunities in academic, Government and industry.
Jobs are available in research and development, chemical analysis, quality control, and environmental monitoring among others. Medical and forensic laboratories, public institutions such as government departments, and in teaching profession in secondary schools and higher education institutions
Please contact the School Registrar Ms Nobulali Mathimba on (053) 491 0369 or [email protected]
You can download a comprehensive list of all our qualifications that will be offered in 2022 by clicking here.