It goes without saying that COVID-19 has changed the way in which young people engage and are without a doubt a generation that embodies resilience as they faced an unimaginable obstacle that has threatened the way in which we think and live.
The Communication and Marketing Department of Sol Plaatje University took to campus and asked students to share their views about #YouthDay2021.
Here is what some of our students had to say:

Zibuysile Zungu
1st Year Student: Higher Certificate in Court Interpreting
“To me, Youth Day means celebrating the lives of the students who fought for our rights during the June 16 1976 uprising. Today we have freedom to education and because their self-sacrifice ensured that we have the opportunities we have today. “

Oarabile Mosweu
3rd Year Student: Bachelor of Commerce
“My message to the youth is to remain cautious and be alert in your surroundings to help curb the spread of COVID-19. As youth, we have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our communities.”

Davina Whata
1st Year Student: Bachelor of Arts
“As a youth of today, I believe that we have the power to bring about meaningful change in our lives by being actively engaged with a progressive and committed mindset. I believe that our voices should be heard in policy making so that we can contribute to our local and global society. My message to my fellow peers is to: Show Up – Be There – Be Active – Bring Ideas – Take Part – and Let Your Voice be Heard.”
“The Youth are faced with many challenges ranging from social to economic hardship and unemployment, that negatively affects their ability to contribute meaningfully to society and deprives many to not live up to their true potential. I am of the view that Government needs to be more proactive in creating employment for your people through internship, learnership, and volunteering projects within local communities.”