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Community Engagement

Purpose of the Programme

The SPU (SPU), as part of its community outreach initiative, seeks to establish a partnership with the organisers of the Expo for Young Scientist in the Northern Cape in order to establish a collaborative relationship with them and with participating schools within the Frances Baard education District.

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Phase 1 of the SPU project that dealt with hosting workshops at the university for learners from participating schools ended on 3 August 2018, where learners presented their science projects, either completed or partially completed. With the assistance of the mentor student teachers (both from the Intermediate Phase and Senior/FET Phases), and lecturers involved with the project, learners received guidance on how to present, display and interact with the judges regarding their science project during the regional science expo competition to be held over the weekend of 10-11 August at the Mayibuye Centre in Galeshewe.

In Phase 2 of the SPU project, nine of our senior science education students applied to act as shadow judges or as judges. Transport to and from the university residence and the science expo venue was provided by the Department of Basic Education, Northern Cape.

Feedback on the 2018 SPU Project:

  • Schools who participated in the SPU-run workshops expressed their appreciation to the university for hosting workshops for their learners and exposing learners to an environment that motivated them to develop their interest in science.
  • It was the first time in the SPU project that a school entered the Technology Innovation category with the emphasis on robotics-need to bring on board our Technology staff in the future to participate in the project.
  • The four participating schools were always in full attendance at all the workshops and the relationships with the respective science teachers from the participating schools became well established.
  • Two learners from the project won bronze medals for their science projects.

Future Plans

  • To encourage participation in the fabrication of projects in the field of robotics.
  • Establish and develop a much more cordial and professional relationship with the coordinators of the regional science expo.
  • To plan workshops that are more interactive and to invite good science teachers to make input in guiding learners in their decision-making and fabrication of their science projects.
  • To encourage our senior science students to participate in the project either as mentors or to become judges.


Purpose of the Programme

The Key Concept in science is a programme developed in collaboration with the University of Free State for Natural sciences in grade 8 and 9 since 2021 to build a solid foundation in ensuring success in physical sciences in 10 – 12. The workshop is covers the grade 8 and 9 Sciences CAPS Curriculum, underpinned by social constructivist philosophy that engages hands-on, minds-on activities as well as activity material to go with the worksheets. 

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The professional development objectives of the Key Concepts in Science programme are to:

  • Train and empower Senior Phase teachers (especially Grade 8 & 9) and subject advisors from local schools in the constructivist and hands-on methodology of the Key Concepts in Science programme during term training sessions;
  • Resource the teachers from the participating schools with activity material, laboratory apparatus and worksheets to be utilised in the science classroom;
  • Monitor the progress of the programme strategy on a continuous basis via progress report and feedback opportunities like meetings etc.;
  • Render support to the teachers from participating schools in the region to enable them to successfully integrate the programme into the curriculum.

The aim of the Science Concepts programme is to orientate Natural Science teachers on how a practical science teaching approach can be followed in their teaching, in order to stimulate a more meaningful Natural Science learning experience for learners. To realise this aim, the Department of Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology teaching in the School of Education at the Sol Plaatje University is conducting a series of “Key Concepts in Science” workshops that is attended by several teachers from local Kimberley Schools. During these workshops, teachers are provided with an in-depth and hands-on presentation on how practical science learning activities can be organised and carried out in a manner that aligns to constructivist “learner-centred” teaching methodologies. 


Every year four workshops are conducted, one per term. Through cooperative and collaborative learning during the different sessions of the project throughout the year, it enables the teachers, including the novice teachers to feel confident and competent in teaching the different concepts in physics and chemistry. Following the workshops, each teacher that forms part of the programme receives concrete and practical Natural Science teaching materials that are relevant to the strands “matters and materials” and “energy and change” and “planet earth and beyond” that form part of the Natural Science school syllabus to teach at their respective schools.  

Ms Nombuyiselo Ndinga

Personal Assistant: Dean of Faculty

Email: [email protected]

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