Dear SPU Community
Our national lockdown is now at Alert Level 1 under which it is expected that we move to greater normality in our operations.
The regulations allow for the return of all staff to campus. You are therefore advised that all staff members are expected to return to full-time duties on campus as from Monday, 28 September 2020. The University has instituted various health and safety protocols and social distancing measures which you are requested to adhere to while on campus.
Staff will no longer require a permit to be on campus.
The regulations also allow for all students to return to campus. We are phasing in the return of students in four cohorts and all students will be back on campus by the end of October 2020.
Previously, students had a choice about whether or not they would return to campus. Under this alert level all students are obliged to return to campus.
The University will continue with online teaching and learning for the remainder of this year, as well as making provision for small group contact sessions; individual consultation sessions with academics; and participation in practical exercises on campus.
The University is monitoring the national alert levels and will make further adjustments in line with the stipulated levels.
The Department of Higher Education and Training has advised that we must guard against the possibility of super-spreading events that would necessitate the return to a harder lockdown. It is therefore incumbent upon all of us to remain vigilant about our health and safety and to maintain our good adherence to the measures that have been put in place.
I look forward to welcoming the SPU community back to campus and to meeting you as we interact personally over the next few weeks.
Kind regards
Professor Andrew M Crouch
Vice-Chancellor and Principal