Our Research and Focus Areas
The Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) has recently taken the opportunity of its local, provincial, national, and continental representation to strengthen collaboration on research, capacity development and improved visibility through its remarkable team of experts comprising of its staff complement, research partners from other reputable universities, government, research think tanks and stakeholders based at home and abroad.
Read More Our remarkable staff members have fostered strong partnerships in recent years with the private and public sectors, academia, and civil society on issues of relevance to strengthen business and organisational practice, as well as policy analysis and its effective implementation in South Africa and the rest of Africa. As part of academic citizenship, our staff members make it their core responsibility to take academic research beyond publication in reputable journals and fulfil advisory roles where they share their knowledge with government, the private sector and civic society. They are widely travelled, participate in conferences, policy colloquia, and engage in the co-production of knowledge (both theoretical and empirical) with stakeholders. Our students are indeed privileged to have these academics as supervisors, mentors and lecturers with this kind of research expertise within the Faculty. Our research focus areas include: Less
2024 Mavimbela, P., Obioha, E. and Obioha, O. (2024) “DETERMINANTS OF IMMIGRANT ENTREPRENEURS’ BUSINESS SURVIVAL: SECURITY AND BUSINESS SKILLS IMPERATIVES”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, 12(1), pp. 110–127. doi: 10.37335/ijek. v12i1.222. Moses, R., & Obioha, O. (2024). Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management: A Case Study of a Public Sector Entity in the Northern Cape, South Africa. PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD), 5(1), 106-127.https://doi.org/10.46404/panjogov.v5i1.5363 Eddie Rakabe and Ramos E. Mabugu (2024), “A Review of How Municipal Infrastructure Delivery Management Flaws Hamstring Growth and Development in South Africa”, DBSA: African Journal of Infrastructure Development, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 106-128. Available at: DBSA African Journal of Infrastructure Development (DAJID) and https://ojs.sabinet.co.za/1 2023 Less Matthew Quayson, Chunguang Bai, Amin Mahmoudi, Weihao Hu a, Wei Chen, Osayuwamen Omoruyi 2023. Designing a decision support tool for integrating ESG into the natural resource extraction industry for sustainable development using the ordinal priority approach. Resources Policy, 85 (2023) 103988. Abongile Zweni, Sandiso Mahlala, Bengwin Yan and Zwelinzima Ndevu. 2023. Effects of Budget Management Training in Public Administration: A Case of Non-financial Managers in Selected Municipalities in South Africa. African Journal of Governance and Development, 11(1). Darko D, Zhu, D, Quayson, M. Hossin, A, Omoruyi, O. Bediako, A.K. 2023. A multicriteria decision framework for governance of PPP projects towards sustainable development. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2023.101580. Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu, Martin Henseler, Helene Maisonnave and Ramos Mabugu (2023), “Climate Change and Women — Impacts and Adaptation”, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 17: No. 1, pp 99-152. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/101.00000151. Mabugu et al. 2023. Possible Welfare Benefits of a Basic Income Support: Evidence from a benefit incidence analysis in South Africa as a Working Paper with the Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA). The paper is available on the following link, https://econrsa.org/publications/possible-welfare-benefits-of-a-basic-income-support-evidence-from-a-benefit-incidence-analysis-in-south-africa/ Mushimbei Mwansa. 2023. Leadership Succession Planning Contributions Towards Family-Owned Business Performance and Sustainability in South Africa. International Journal of Applied Research in Business & Management. Accepted for publication. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Abongile, Zweni. 2023. Municipal special budget adjustments in response to negative effects caused by COVID-19 in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Accountability & Auditing Research, DHET accredited. Accepted for publication. Abongile, Zweni. 2023. The Role of Community Participation in the Development of an Integrated Development Plan in the Greater Taung Local Municipality. African Journal of Development Studies (AJDS) ISSN 2634-3630 E-ISSN 2634-3649. 207-223. Mazorodze, B.T., 2023. Undervaluation And New Business Formation in Developing Countries. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 28(02), p.2350011. Mazorodze, B.T., 2023. Why has Trade barely moved sub-Saharan Africa to its eco-nomic potential? Economies. Accepted for publication. Mazorodze, B, T. and Maduku, H., 2023. Does Education help Local Municipalities Reach Economic Potential? Accepted for publication. Abrahams, E. & Bosman, S. 2023. Wealth Taxes on Individuals: An International Comparative Study. Ilomata International Journal of Tax and Accounting. (Print) ISSN : 2714-9838. (Online) ISSN : 2714-9846 Masud, M.A.K., Sahara, J. and Kabir, Md. H. 2023. “A relationship between climate finance and climate risk: evidence from the South Asian region”, Climate, 11(6), 119. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli11060119. Maama, H., Kabir, M.H. and Doorasamy, M. 2023. “The disclosure practice of governance element of integrated reporting in Ghana. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics; 17 (4), p. 335-354. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBGE.2023.132111. Moyo, G.N., Moreeng, B. and Mosia, M., 2023. Exploring accounting lecturers’ use of feedback as a teaching practice: a case of a South African university. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 12(4), pp.461-470. Moyo, G.N., Moreeng, B. & Mosia, M. 2023. Exploring the Accounting Teaching Practices of Lecturers in a Higher Education Institution: A Case at a South African University. 4(2), 414-433. ISSN: 2720-9946 (Online). Available at:http://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/SHE Gumede, N., Uwizeyimana, D.E. and Chilunjika, A., 2023. Local Economic Development and the Agencification of South African Local Authorities: The Case of Thaba Chweu Municipality, Mpumalanga. Journal of Nation-building & Policy Studies, 7(2), pp.83-102. Less
2022 Zweni, A. and Yan, B., 2022. The Role of Municipal Officials in Financial Crimes and the Effects Thereof: A Conceptual Framework to Combat Financial Crimes in South African Municipalities. African Renaissance (1744-2532), 19(4). Zweni, AG., Yan,B., Juta.L (2022). The malady of perpetual municipal-finance mismanagement: Designing a leadership framework as a panacea. African Journal of Development Studies. Vol 12(1): 169-189. Zweni, A.G., Yan, B., Uys, C. (2022). Modelling budget management for public service in South African municipalities. Journal of Local Government Research and Innovation. Vol 3(0): 1-14. Ramaboea, S.J., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2022). Modelling the effects of organisational strategy, recruitment strategy and organisational culture on succession planning in South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation. Journal of Public Administration, 57 (1). Ncumisa, M., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup. M. (2022). Job stressors, work tension and job satisfaction of academics at a university of technology. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 20. Seteni, L.P., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2022). Employees’ perceptions of the effects of retrenchment on job stress and organisational commitment in a mining company. African Journal of Employee Relations, 45. Mbuli, S., Dhurup, M. and Joubert, P., 2022. Trade Union Members’ Perception of the Effectiveness of and Satisfaction with Their Unions in Municipalities in Gauteng South. Journal of Public Administration, 57(4), pp.868-882. Less
2021 Asongu, Simplice and Meniago, Christelle and Salahodjaev, Raufhon, the role of value added across economic sectors in modulating the effects of FDI on TFP and economic growth dynamics (December 14, 2021). African Governance and Development Institute WP/21/088, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3984646 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3984646 Chilunjika , A and Gumede, N. (2021). Climate Change and Human Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, African Renaissance Journal, June 2021 pp 13-37. Gumede, N. (2021). The levels of Policy Making and Factors that influence Policy: South African Perspective. Chapter 19 (pages 284-292). Book Title: Public Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development and Policy Nexus (ISBN 978-0-620-91536-6). First Edition: 2021. Less
2020 Gumede, N. (2020). Categories of Public Policies: A Contemporary Post–Colonial and Post-Apartheid South African Perspective. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference Proceedings: 07-09 October, 2020). NgoNdjama, J.D., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2020). Exploring the relationship between organizational identification and organizational citizenship behaviour among employees in a university of technology in South Africa. International Journal of Business and Management Studies. 12(1). Meniago, C., and Lartey, E.K., (2020), “Does FDI affect productivity and growth in SSA?” Journal of African Business. Scopus/IBSS, Forthcoming. Obioha, O.O, and Garg, A.K. (2020), “Bank External Exigencies and Customer Loyalty in the Nigeria Retail Banking”, International Journal of Business and Management Sciences (IJBMS), Scopus/IBSS, Forthcoming. Gumede, N. (2020), Categories of Public Policies: A Contemporary Post–Colonial and Post-Apartheid South African Perspective. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference Proceedings: 07-09 October 2020). Omoruyi, O. & Akuoma, M.E. 2020. The influence of supply chain management on the performance of small to medium enterprises in Southern Gauteng. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 12:(1), 172-188. ISSN: 1309-8055 (Online) Doi:10.34109/ijefs.202012111. Omoruyi, O. 2020. Logistics Objectives, Capability and Benefits: The Case of SMEs in Emfuleni Municipal District. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 12(2), 289-305. ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online) Less
2019 Zuva, T., Joubert P.A., Moqhoba, M., Modise, J. & Masombuka,P.B. (2019) Employees satisfaction measurement at an university of technology in South Africa. International Conference on Social Sciences. Conference proceedings. Tsepetsi, T., Joubert, P.A., Dhurup, M. & Mafini, C. (2019) The effects of leadership style on job satisfaction in the logistics industry in the Gauteng province. Journal of Contemporary Management, 18(2). Seteni, L.P., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2019) Employees’ perceptions of the effects of retrenchment on job stress and organizational commitment in a mining company. African Journal of Employee Relations, 43. Gounden, M., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2019). Organisational justice and job satisfaction among police officers within a South African environment. Journal of Public Administration, 54(4). Gumede, N., Byamukama, J.B. & Dakora, E,A.N. 2019. Contemporary perspectives on fiscal decentralisation and new local government in South Africa. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 16(2): 52-69 (Special Issue). Gumede, N., (2019) State Ownership of Public Enterprises in South Africa: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Vol 4, Issue 3, pp 159-168. Nyawo Gumede, Dr John Byamukama and Dr Edward Dakora (2019). Contemporary Perspectives on Fiscal Decentralisation and New Local Government in South Africa. GJDS, Vol 16, No.2, July 2019 Van der Spuy, S.J.H., 2019, ‘The state of business incubation in the Northern Cape: A service spectrum perspective’, Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 11(1), a271. https://doi.org/10.4102/ sajesbm.v11i1.271 Omoruyi, O & Chinomona, E. 2019. Evaluating the Effects of brand Advertising, brand element and brand awareness on Purchasing Intention. Journal of Contemporary Management, 16, 422-449. Less
2018 Joubert, P.A., Van Tonder, E. & Grobler, B. (2018). Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of South African Police Service Officials in the Tygerberg cluster. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 10(1). Mabugu, R., Tiberti, L., Maisonnave, H., and Chitiga, M., (2018) “Reforming Grants to Tackle Child Poverty: An Integrated Micro-Macro Approach”, World Development, 112(2018): 272-281. Meniago, C., & Asongu, S. A. (2018). Revisiting the finance-inequality nexus in a panel of African countries. Research in International Business and finance, 46, 399-419. Asongu, S., & Meniago, C. (2018). Technology and persistence in global software piracy. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 19(1-2), 43-63. Obioha, OO (2018) Dilemma of a Borrowed Colonial System: Lesotho Law of Contract as a Fusion of Roman-Dutch Principles and English Law. Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa, 7(1):9-19. IBSS Indexed. Obioha, OO and Garg, AK (2018) Corporate governance practices’ influence on customer loyalty in Nigeria retail banks. Acta Commercii, 18 (1) a549, July 2018. Scopus Indexed Nyawo Gumede and Prof Jonathan Makuwira. (2018) Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Post-Colonial and Post-Apartheid Land Reform: Experiences of Namibia and South Africa. JOPA Volume 53. Number 2.1. June 2018 Omoruyi, O. 2018. Influence of information technology on logistics integration and delivery reliability of small and medium enterprises in Gauteng Province. International Journal of eBusiness & eGovernment Studies, 10(1):34-50. Chinomona. E. & Omoruyi, O. 2018. The influence of green procurement on customer relationship management, information quality and reverse supply chain among manufacturing SMEs in Gauteng Province. International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 10(1):1-15. Lavhelani, P.H., Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2018. Dynamic Capabilities as Determinants of Supply Chain Performance in Small to Medium Enterprises in Gauteng Province. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(2), 165-175. Omoruyi, O. 2018. A Website Quality Model Investigating the Loyalty of South African Consumers towards Travel Websites. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(2), 133-144. Dr EM Tlhogane, Prof CO Miruka, and N Gumede. (2018). Implementing Health Care Governance Structures in a decentralised System in North West Province of South Africa. JOPA, Volume 53, Number 1 March 2018 (from PhD thesis of Dr EM Tlhogane) Ramos Mabugu, Khumalo, B., and Chitiga, (2018) ‘An Assessment of the Potential Impact of the BRICS Partnership on South African Intergovernmental Relations’, Chapter 11 in Steytler, N., (ed), The BRICS Partnership: Challenges and Prospects for Multi-level Government, JUTA Books Publishers, pp 101-109 Zweni, A.G., Jowah, L.E. (2018). An Exploration of Involvement of Budget Managers in the Budget Development Process: A Case of Western Cape Department of Social Development. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives. Vol.2(2):118-132 Zweni, A.G., Zuma, L. (2018). The prominence of effective management of organisations in cape metropole, western cape, south africa: a literature review. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives. Vol.3(2):15-33 Less
2017 Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga and Ismael Fofana (2017), “Modelling strategic options for agricultural growth and rural development in South Africa”, 20th Annual GTAP Conference on Global Economic Analysis: New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development, June 2017, Indiana, USA NgoNdjama, J.D., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2017). Effects of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment and intention to stay in a telecommunication company. Journal of Social Sciences, 52(1-3) Joubert, P.A., Madau, D.N. & Grobler, B.R. (2017) The relationship between employee retention and talent management at Illovo Sugar, Eston Mill. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(3). Chinomona, E., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2017). Organisational citizenship behavior, employee perceptions of equity, organizational commitment and intention to quit of employees in Zimbabwean SMEs. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 9(1). Meniago, C., & Eita, J. H. (2017). The effects of exchange rate changes on Sub Saharan Africa trade. Int. J. Sustainable Economy, 9(3), 213. Omoruyi, O. 2017. Determining the mediating role of supplier and customer integration towards enhancing return on investment of small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Business & Management studies, 9(2):151-166 Isabirye, A.K. & O. Omoruyi. 2017. Exploring academics’ espoused and actual teaching orientations at a South African university. International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanity Studies, 9(1):24-40. Ramos Mabugu, (2017) “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Intergovernmental Financial Relations in South Africa”, Chapter 13 in Ecclestone, PJH., and Krever, R., (eds) , The Future of Federalism: Intergovernmental Financial Relations in an Age of Austerity, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; UK. Pp314-342. February Less
2016 Van Vuuren, H.J., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2016). Justice in the workplace: The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organizational citizenship behavior among employees in the Police Service. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 8(1). Ntisa, A.A., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2016). The contract of employment status and its influence on the job satisfaction of academics within South African universities of technology. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 8(2). Mabugu, R., Maisonnave, H., Mahabir, J., and Chitiga, M., (2016) “Regional Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Free State Province in South Africa: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Assessment”, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2): 471-484. Mabugu, R., Maisonnave, H., and Chitiga, M., (2016) “Analysing Job Creation Effects of Scaling Up Infrastructure Spending in South Africa”, Development Southern Africa, Taylor and Francis Publishers. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2015.1120650 Masud, M. A. K and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “Corporate Social Responsibility Evaluation by different levels of Management of Islamic Banks and Traditional Banks: Evidence from Banking Sector of Bangladesh”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 14, issue 3 (cont. 1), pp. 194-202. Mashigo, M. P. and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “Village Banks: A financial strategy for developing the South African poor households”. Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 8-13. Gumede, N., Asmah-Andoh, K. and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “The restructuring and privatisation trajectory in South Africa: Tracing the historical public policy origins, purpose, methods and guidelines in the pre-1994 epoch” Journal of Governance and Regulation, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 31-36. Obioha, OO (2016) Conflict of Laws: Analysis of Rights of the Heir under Lesotho Customary Laws and Common Law Prescripts. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1):135-147. IBSS Indexed. Nyawo Gumede, Prof Kwame Asmah-Andoh, Dr Md Humayun Kabir. (2016). The restructuring and privatisation trajectory in South Africa; Tracing the historical public policy origins, purpose, methods, and guidelines in the pre-1994 epoch, Journal of Governance and Regulation, Volume 5 Issue 1, 2016) Nyawo Gumede and Prof Kwame Asmah-Andoh. (2016). Prescription of the National Development Plan for State Owned Enterprise in South Africa: Is privatisation an Option? JOPA, Volume 51, Number 2 June 2016 Omoruyi, O. & Dhurup, M. 2016. The influence of supply chain networks flexibility and integration on the performance of Small and Meduim Enterprise in the Southern Gauteng, South Africa. International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 8(2):121-137. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona E. 2016. Modeling the factors that influence employee attitude and service delivery behavior among higher education professional. Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 8(5):146-158. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2016. The influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, innovation and supply chain partnership on firm competitiveness: to be publish in December 2016. Omoruyi, O. & Mafini, C. 2016. Supply Chain Management and Customer Satisfaction in Small to Medium Enterprises. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 16(3):43-58. Okusolubo, T., Grobler, B.R. & Joubert, P.A. (2016) The effect of selection processes on employee turnover in small and medium enterprises in Sunnyside, South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences 47(2). Less
2015 Ntisa, A.A., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2015) Employment contract status and job satisfaction of academic employees in higher education institutions in South Africa. Jokull Journal, 65(2) Mabugu, R., Fofana, I., and Chitiga, M., (2015) “Pro-Poor Tax Policy Changes in South Africa: Potential and Limitations”, Journal of African Economies (2015), 24(2): 73-105, Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jae/eju038 Mabugu, R., and Simbanegavi, W., (2015) “Tax and Expenditure Reforms in Africa: An Overview”, Journal of African Economies (2015), 24(2): 3-15, Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jae/eju037 Kabir, Md. H., Mukuddem-Petersen, J. and Petersen, M. A. (2015). “Corporate Social Responsibility Evolution in South Africa”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (cont.), pp. 279-287. Prof Mashupye H. Maserumule, Dr Ricky M Mukonza, Nyawo Gumede, Levy Ndou. (2015). The impending collapse of the house of Mamphela Ramphela: Agang SA Journal of African Elections, Vol 14 No1 June 2015. Chinomona, R. & Omoruyi, O. 2015. The influence of perceived Hypermarket size on perceived Hypermarket reputation, trust and customer willingness to purchase in South Africa. Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 7(4):60-70. Less
2014 Grobler, B.R., Joubert, P.A. & Lesuthu, K. (2014) Job seeker’s perceptions about the PNet website as an e-recruitment tool within South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(7), 530-541. Brits, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Quality management of short courses at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa: A comparative study. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(21) Samosamo, M., Marais, C. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Employee perceptions of the effectiveness of health and safety induction at Arcelormittal, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(21) Kok, L., Lebusa, M.J. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Employee involvement in decision-making: A case of one University of Technology in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23) Mabugu, R., and Chitiga, M., (2014) “Can Trade Liberalisation in South Africa reduce Poverty and Inequality While Boosting Economic Growth? Macro-Micro Reflections”, Development Southern Africa (2012), 31(2): 257-274, Routledge Ltd. Publishers. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2013.871197 Khoza, R. B. M. and Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “An evaluation of South African low income housing delivery process: from project quality management perspective”, Public and Municipal Finance, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 32-42. Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Privatization of Public Enterprises in Swaziland”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 28-39. Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Adequacy of international funding with special reference to financial intermediaries for socio-economic development: evidence from Swaziland”, Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 98-105. Dakora, E.A.N., Bytheway, A.J. & Slabbert, A. 2014. Strategic options for the expansion of South African retail businesses within Africa: consequences on operational management. Journal of Economics and Behavioural Sciences, 6(3): 218-231: March Dakora, E.A.N. & Bytheway, A.J. 2014. Entry mode issues in the internationalisation of South African retailing. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5): 194-205, March. Chakacha, R.E., Iwu, C.G. & Dakora, E.A.N. 2014. Determining the relationship between infrastructure and learner success: A comparative study of two primary schools in Zimbabwe. Commonwealth Youth and Development, 12(1): 15-32. Spencer, J.P., Safari, E. & Dakora, E.A.N. 2014. An evaluation of the tourism value-chain as an alternative to socio-economic development in Rwanda, Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(2): 569-583. Omoruyi, O. & Dubihlela, J. 2014. Barriers to effective supply chain management, implementation andimpact on business performance of SMEs in South Africa. Journal of Applied Business Research. Less
Osayuwamen Omoruyi and Matthew Quayson. 2023. Logistics Systems. In Logistics Management: An African Perspective. 1st ed. Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd: Cape Town. ISBN 9781998962518 (PRINT) / eISBN 9781998962525 (WEB PDF).
Khosa, R.M., Chidau, T. & Dakora, E.A.N. 2023. Global Logistics. In Logistics Management: An African Perspective. 1st ed. Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd: Cape Town. ISBN 9781998962518 (PRINT) / eISBN 9781998962525 (WEB PDF).
Mabugu, R.E. & Rakabe, E.M. 2023. South Africa. In. The Forum of Federations Handbook of Fiscal Federalism. Edited by Jean-François Tremblay. Available at Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-97258-5.
Sifundza, S. G. and Kabir, Md. H. 2023. “Effectiveness of the Lean Service Principle in controlling the civil service wage bill: A case study of the Government of Eswatini”. In Crowther, D. and Sefi, S (Eds), Corporate Resilience: Risk, Sustainability and Future Crises. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing. Forthcoming (will be published by the end of 2023)
2022 Zweni, AG., Yan,B., Juta.L (2022). The malady of perpetual municipal-finance mismanagement: Designing a leadership framework as a panacea. African Journal of Development Studies. Vol 12(1): 169-189. Zweni, A.G., Yan, B., Uys, C. (2022). Modelling budget management for public service in South African municipalities. Journal of Local Government Research and Innovation. Vol 3(0): 1-14. Ramaboea, S.J., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2022). Modelling the effects of organisational strategy, recruitment strategy and organisational culture on succession planning in South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation. Journal of Public Administration, 57 (1). Ncumisa, M., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup. M. (2022). Job stressors, work tension and job satisfaction of academics at a university of technology. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 20. Seteni, L.P., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2022). Employees’ perceptions of the effects of retrenchment on job stress and organisational commitment in a mining company. African Journal of Employee Relations, 45. Less
2021 Asongu, Simplice and Meniago, Christelle and Salahodjaev, Raufhon, the role of value added across economic sectors in modulating the effects of FDI on TFP and economic growth dynamics (December 14, 2021). African Governance and Development Institute WP/21/088, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3984646 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3984646 Chilunjika , A and Gumede, N. (2021). Climate Change and Human Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, African Renaissance Journal, June 2021 pp 13-37. Gumede, N. (2021). The levels of Policy Making and Factors that influence Policy: South African Perspective. Chapter 19 (pages 284-292). Book Title: Public Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development and Policy Nexus (ISBN 978-0-620-91536-6). First Edition: 2021. Less
2020 Gumede, N. (2020). Categories of Public Policies: A Contemporary Post–Colonial and Post-Apartheid South African Perspective. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference Proceedings: 07-09 October, 2020). NgoNdjama, J.D., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2020). Exploring the relationship between organizational identification and organizational citizenship behaviour among employees in a university of technology in South Africa. International Journal of Business and Management Studies. 12(1). Meniago, C., and Lartey, E.K., (2020), “Does FDI affect productivity and growth in SSA?” Journal of African Business. Scopus/IBSS, Forthcoming. Obioha, O.O, and Garg, A.K. (2020), “Bank External Exigencies and Customer Loyalty in the Nigeria Retail Banking”, International Journal of Business and Management Sciences (IJBMS), Scopus/IBSS, Forthcoming. Gumede, N. (2020), Categories of Public Policies: A Contemporary Post–Colonial and Post-Apartheid South African Perspective. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference Proceedings: 07-09 October 2020). Omoruyi, O. & Akuoma, M.E. 2020. The influence of supply chain management on the performance of small to medium enterprises in Southern Gauteng. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 12:(1), 172-188. ISSN: 1309-8055 (Online) Doi:10.34109/ijefs.202012111. Omoruyi, O. 2020. Logistics Objectives, Capability and Benefits: The Case of SMEs in Emfuleni Municipal District. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 12(2), 289-305. ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online) Less
2019 Zuva, T., Joubert P.A., Moqhoba, M., Modise, J. & Masombuka,P.B. (2019) Employees satisfaction measurement at an university of technology in South Africa. International Conference on Social Sciences. Conference proceedings. Tsepetsi, T., Joubert, P.A., Dhurup, M. & Mafini, C. (2019) The effects of leadership style on job satisfaction in the logistics industry in the Gauteng province. Journal of Contemporary Management, 18(2). Seteni, L.P., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2019) Employees’ perceptions of the effects of retrenchment on job stress and organizational commitment in a mining company. African Journal of Employee Relations, 43. Gounden, M., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2019). Organisational justice and job satisfaction among police officers within a South African environment. Journal of Public Administration, 54(4). Gumede, N., Byamukama, J.B. & Dakora, E,A.N. 2019. Contemporary perspectives on fiscal decentralisation and new local government in South Africa. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 16(2): 52-69 (Special Issue). Gumede, N., (2019) State Ownership of Public Enterprises in South Africa: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Vol 4, Issue 3, pp 159-168. Nyawo Gumede, Dr John Byamukama and Dr Edward Dakora (2019). Contemporary Perspectives on Fiscal Decentralisation and New Local Government in South Africa. GJDS, Vol 16, No.2, July 2019 Van der Spuy, S.J.H., 2019, ‘The state of business incubation in the Northern Cape: A service spectrum perspective’, Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 11(1), a271. https://doi.org/10.4102/ sajesbm.v11i1.271 Omoruyi, O & Chinomona, E. 2019. Evaluating the Effects of brand Advertising, brand element and brand awareness on Purchasing Intention. Journal of Contemporary Management, 16, 422-449. Less
2018 Joubert, P.A., Van Tonder, E. & Grobler, B. (2018). Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of South African Police Service Officials in the Tygerberg cluster. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 10(1). Mabugu, R., Tiberti, L., Maisonnave, H., and Chitiga, M., (2018) “Reforming Grants to Tackle Child Poverty: An Integrated Micro-Macro Approach”, World Development, 112(2018): 272-281. Meniago, C., & Asongu, S. A. (2018). Revisiting the finance-inequality nexus in a panel of African countries. Research in International Business and finance, 46, 399-419. Asongu, S., & Meniago, C. (2018). Technology and persistence in global software piracy. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 19(1-2), 43-63. Obioha, OO (2018) Dilemma of a Borrowed Colonial System: Lesotho Law of Contract as a Fusion of Roman-Dutch Principles and English Law. Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa, 7(1):9-19. IBSS Indexed. Obioha, OO and Garg, AK (2018) Corporate governance practices’ influence on customer loyalty in Nigeria retail banks. Acta Commercii, 18 (1) a549, July 2018. Scopus Indexed Nyawo Gumede and Prof Jonathan Makuwira. (2018) Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Post-Colonial and Post-Apartheid Land Reform: Experiences of Namibia and South Africa. JOPA Volume 53. Number 2.1. June 2018 Omoruyi, O. 2018. Influence of information technology on logistics integration and delivery reliability of small and medium enterprises in Gauteng Province. International Journal of eBusiness & eGovernment Studies, 10(1):34-50. Chinomona. E. & Omoruyi, O. 2018. The influence of green procurement on customer relationship management, information quality and reverse supply chain among manufacturing SMEs in Gauteng Province. International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 10(1):1-15. Lavhelani, P.H., Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2018. Dynamic Capabilities as Determinants of Supply Chain Performance in Small to Medium Enterprises in Gauteng Province. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(2), 165-175. Omoruyi, O. 2018. A Website Quality Model Investigating the Loyalty of South African Consumers towards Travel Websites. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(2), 133-144. Dr EM Tlhogane, Prof CO Miruka, and N Gumede. (2018). Implementing Health Care Governance Structures in a decentralised System in North West Province of South Africa. JOPA, Volume 53, Number 1 March 2018 (from PhD thesis of Dr EM Tlhogane) Ramos Mabugu, Khumalo, B., and Chitiga, (2018) ‘An Assessment of the Potential Impact of the BRICS Partnership on South African Intergovernmental Relations’, Chapter 11 in Steytler, N., (ed), The BRICS Partnership: Challenges and Prospects for Multi-level Government, JUTA Books Publishers, pp 101-109 Zweni, A.G., Jowah, L.E. (2018). An Exploration of Involvement of Budget Managers in the Budget Development Process: A Case of Western Cape Department of Social Development. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives. Vol.2(2):118-132 Zweni, A.G., Zuma, L. (2018). The prominence of effective management of organisations in cape metropole, western cape, south africa: a literature review. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives. Vol.3(2):15-33 Less
2017 Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga and Ismael Fofana (2017), “Modelling strategic options for agricultural growth and rural development in South Africa”, 20th Annual GTAP Conference on Global Economic Analysis: New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development, June 2017, Indiana, USA NgoNdjama, J.D., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2017). Effects of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment and intention to stay in a telecommunication company. Journal of Social Sciences, 52(1-3) Joubert, P.A., Madau, D.N. & Grobler, B.R. (2017) The relationship between employee retention and talent management at Illovo Sugar, Eston Mill. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(3). Chinomona, E., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2017). Organisational citizenship behavior, employee perceptions of equity, organizational commitment and intention to quit of employees in Zimbabwean SMEs. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 9(1). Meniago, C., & Eita, J. H. (2017). The effects of exchange rate changes on Sub Saharan Africa trade. Int. J. Sustainable Economy, 9(3), 213. Omoruyi, O. 2017. Determining the mediating role of supplier and customer integration towards enhancing return on investment of small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Business & Management studies, 9(2):151-166 Isabirye, A.K. & O. Omoruyi. 2017. Exploring academics’ espoused and actual teaching orientations at a South African university. International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanity Studies, 9(1):24-40. Ramos Mabugu, (2017) “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Intergovernmental Financial Relations in South Africa”, Chapter 13 in Ecclestone, PJH., and Krever, R., (eds) , The Future of Federalism: Intergovernmental Financial Relations in an Age of Austerity, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; UK. Pp314-342. February Less
2016 Van Vuuren, H.J., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2016). Justice in the workplace: The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organizational citizenship behavior among employees in the Police Service. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 8(1). Ntisa, A.A., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2016). The contract of employment status and its influence on the job satisfaction of academics within South African universities of technology. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 8(2). Mabugu, R., Maisonnave, H., Mahabir, J., and Chitiga, M., (2016) “Regional Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Free State Province in South Africa: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Assessment”, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2): 471-484. Mabugu, R., Maisonnave, H., and Chitiga, M., (2016) “Analysing Job Creation Effects of Scaling Up Infrastructure Spending in South Africa”, Development Southern Africa, Taylor and Francis Publishers. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2015.1120650 Masud, M. A. K and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “Corporate Social Responsibility Evaluation by different levels of Management of Islamic Banks and Traditional Banks: Evidence from Banking Sector of Bangladesh”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 14, issue 3 (cont. 1), pp. 194-202. Mashigo, M. P. and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “Village Banks: A financial strategy for developing the South African poor households”. Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 8-13. Gumede, N., Asmah-Andoh, K. and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “The restructuring and privatisation trajectory in South Africa: Tracing the historical public policy origins, purpose, methods and guidelines in the pre-1994 epoch” Journal of Governance and Regulation, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 31-36. Obioha, OO (2016) Conflict of Laws: Analysis of Rights of the Heir under Lesotho Customary Laws and Common Law Prescripts. Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1):135-147. IBSS Indexed. Nyawo Gumede, Prof Kwame Asmah-Andoh, Dr Md Humayun Kabir. (2016). The restructuring and privatisation trajectory in South Africa; Tracing the historical public policy origins, purpose, methods, and guidelines in the pre-1994 epoch, Journal of Governance and Regulation, Volume 5 Issue 1, 2016) Nyawo Gumede and Prof Kwame Asmah-Andoh. (2016). Prescription of the National Development Plan for State Owned Enterprise in South Africa: Is privatisation an Option? JOPA, Volume 51, Number 2 June 2016 Omoruyi, O. & Dhurup, M. 2016. The influence of supply chain networks flexibility and integration on the performance of Small and Meduim Enterprise in the Southern Gauteng, South Africa. International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 8(2):121-137. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona E. 2016. Modeling the factors that influence employee attitude and service delivery behavior among higher education professional. Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 8(5):146-158. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2016. The influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, innovation and supply chain partnership on firm competitiveness: to be publish in December 2016. Omoruyi, O. & Mafini, C. 2016. Supply Chain Management and Customer Satisfaction in Small to Medium Enterprises. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 16(3):43-58. Okusolubo, T., Grobler, B.R. & Joubert, P.A. (2016) The effect of selection processes on employee turnover in small and medium enterprises in Sunnyside, South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences 47(2). Less
2015 Ntisa, A.A., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2015) Employment contract status and job satisfaction of academic employees in higher education institutions in South Africa. Jokull Journal, 65(2) Mabugu, R., Fofana, I., and Chitiga, M., (2015) “Pro-Poor Tax Policy Changes in South Africa: Potential and Limitations”, Journal of African Economies (2015), 24(2): 73-105, Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jae/eju038 Mabugu, R., and Simbanegavi, W., (2015) “Tax and Expenditure Reforms in Africa: An Overview”, Journal of African Economies (2015), 24(2): 3-15, Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jae/eju037 Kabir, Md. H., Mukuddem-Petersen, J. and Petersen, M. A. (2015). “Corporate Social Responsibility Evolution in South Africa”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (cont.), pp. 279-287. Prof Mashupye H. Maserumule, Dr Ricky M Mukonza, Nyawo Gumede, Levy Ndou. (2015). The impending collapse of the house of Mamphela Ramphela: Agang SA Journal of African Elections, Vol 14 No1 June 2015. Chinomona, R. & Omoruyi, O. 2015. The influence of perceived Hypermarket size on perceived Hypermarket reputation, trust and customer willingness to purchase in South Africa. Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 7(4):60-70. Less
2014 Grobler, B.R., Joubert, P.A. & Lesuthu, K. (2014) Job seeker’s perceptions about the PNet website as an e-recruitment tool within South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(7), 530-541. Brits, M. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Quality management of short courses at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa: A comparative study. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(21) Samosamo, M., Marais, C. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Employee perceptions of the effectiveness of health and safety induction at Arcelormittal, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(21) Kok, L., Lebusa, M.J. & Joubert, P.A. (2014) Employee involvement in decision-making: A case of one University of Technology in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23) Mabugu, R., and Chitiga, M., (2014) “Can Trade Liberalisation in South Africa reduce Poverty and Inequality While Boosting Economic Growth? Macro-Micro Reflections”, Development Southern Africa (2012), 31(2): 257-274, Routledge Ltd. Publishers. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2013.871197 Khoza, R. B. M. and Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “An evaluation of South African low income housing delivery process: from project quality management perspective”, Public and Municipal Finance, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 32-42. Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Privatization of Public Enterprises in Swaziland”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 28-39. Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Adequacy of international funding with special reference to financial intermediaries for socio-economic development: evidence from Swaziland”, Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 98-105. Dakora, E.A.N., Bytheway, A.J. & Slabbert, A. 2014. Strategic options for the expansion of South African retail businesses within Africa: consequences on operational management. Journal of Economics and Behavioural Sciences, 6(3): 218-231: March Dakora, E.A.N. & Bytheway, A.J. 2014. Entry mode issues in the internationalisation of South African retailing. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5): 194-205, March. Chakacha, R.E., Iwu, C.G. & Dakora, E.A.N. 2014. Determining the relationship between infrastructure and learner success: A comparative study of two primary schools in Zimbabwe. Commonwealth Youth and Development, 12(1): 15-32. Spencer, J.P., Safari, E. & Dakora, E.A.N. 2014. An evaluation of the tourism value-chain as an alternative to socio-economic development in Rwanda, Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(2): 569-583. Omoruyi, O. & Dubihlela, J. 2014. Barriers to effective supply chain management, implementation andimpact on business performance of SMEs in South Africa. Journal of Applied Business Research. Less
Mabugu, R.E., 2024. “Ending Poverty and Accelerating Growth In South Africa”, Paper presented at the 9th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA) at the University of Vienna (Austria) from 8 to 10 January 2024
Nyawo Gumede. 2023. Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation in South Africa: Challenges and Opportunities of a Developmental. SAAPAM CONFERENCE 2023. Repositioning African Governments in the Changing Global Order and Disorder State. 25-29 SEPTEMBER 2023.
Md Humayun Kabir. 2023. Relationship Between Firm’s Humanistic Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility: South African Companies. 20th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) and 11th Organisational Governance Conference (OGC). Theme: Standardisation and Sustainability. Universidad a distancia de Madrid Carretera de La Coruña, KM.38,500 Vía de Servicio, 28400 Collado Villalba MADRID.
Md Humayun Kabir 2023. Culture and its Role in Socio-Economic Development. 20th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) and 11th Organisational Governance Conference (OGC). Theme: Standardisation and Sustainability. Universidad a distancia de Madrid Carretera de La Coruña, KM.38,500 Vía de Servicio, 28400 Collado Villalba MADRID.
Mazorodze, B, T. and Maduku, H., 2023. Does Education help Local Municipalities Reach Economic Potential? Paper Presented at the Mbali International Conference.
Caroline Hoorn. 2023. Systematic influence on career development experiences. Presented at the 34th SAIMS Annual Conference 10 – 13 September 2023, Leriba, Centurion. Hosted by Akademia.
Careline Hoorn. 2023. Does gender play a role in career choices amongst post matriculants? Presented at the 9th International Conference on New Findings on Humanities and Social Sciences (HSCONF) held on 28-30 July 2023 in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
Christobel Nicholette Adams & Osayuwamen Omoruyi. 2023. The Supply Chain Factors Influencing Housing Development Process Performance in the Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Northern Cape. Paper to be presented at the Social Sciences International Research Conference (SSIRC) from 10 – 13 October 2023.
Makhubu, N.N. & Omoruyi, O. 2023. The impact of ICT capabilities on supply chain management capabilities: the case of four municipalities in the Uthukela District. Presented at the 34th SAIMS Annual Conference 10 – 13 September 2023, Leriba, Centurion. Hosted by Akademia.
Omoruyi, Osayuwamen and Quayson, Matthew, 2023. Assessing Risk Mitigation Preference Effect on Supplier Commitment and Supplier Performance in the Public Health Industry in South Africa.
Omoruyi, Osayuwamen Dakora, Edward Mwanza, Alfred Quayson, Matthew Antwi, Albert Mabugu, Emmanuel Ndlovu, Leonard Rangongo, Fattinald. 2023. Using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework to Determine the Impact of Covid-19 on Retail Distribution Strategies in South Africa.
2021 Zweni, A.G., Moyo.G., Peters,P., Yan, B. (2021). The use of Budgeting as an effective Management Tool for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perspective from South Africa. Business Studies and Finance (ICBSF 2021. Date: October 20- 21, 2021. London. (Virtual) Sebolaoa, R.E., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2021). The influence of person-environment fit, person-organisation fit, and person-job fit on career satisfaction among university academics. Social Sciences International Research Conference Proceedings. Date: October 13-15,2021. North West. (Virtual). Sebolaoa, R.E., Joubert, P.A. & Dhurup, M. (2021). The influence of person-environment fit, person-organisation fit, and person-job fit on career satisfaction among university academics. Social Sciences International Research Conference Proceedings. Zweni, A.G and Yan, B. (2021). A Conceptual Framework for Managing Municipal Finances in South Africa. International Conference on Governance and Innovation in the Public Administration (ICGIPA 2021). Date: February 25-26, 2021, Tokyo, Japan Motlhaudi, GG., Van Zyl, JH. (2021). Business incubation and apprenticeship: a recipe for small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) performance: a conceptual framework. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship Development (ICED) on 8 – 10 September 2021, Central University of Technology, Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa) Less
2020 Meniago, C. 2020. “Stylized Facts on the Cost of Household Connection to the Electricity Grid in African Countries”, 2020 WEI International Academic Conference on Business & Economics, Management, and Finance (WEI-BEMF-Barcelona 2020). Date: February 11 through February 13, 2020. Nyawo Gumede. Categories of Public Policies: A Contemporary Post–Colonial and Post-Apartheid South African Perspective. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference: 07-09 October, 2020). Nyawo Gumede. The levels of Policy Making, factors that influence policy and the three levels of politics. (IPADA 5th Annual International Conference: 07-09 October, 2020). Ramos E. Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga and Ismael Fofana (2020), “How can Africa Publicly Finance Ending Poverty and Hunger Goals by 2030”, 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, “Global Economic Analysis Beyond 2020”, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) (Tokyo, Japan), 17-19 June 2020 (held online) Less
2019 Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Social Sciences, Vanderbijlpark. 2019. Exploring the relationship between organisational identification and organisational citizenship behaviour among employees in a university of technology in South Africa. Ramos E. Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga and Ismael Fofana (2019), “Financing Inclusive Development In Selected African Economies by 2030” The Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala, Sweden), Conference on Taxation for Inclusive Development, 7-8 November 2019, Uppsala, Sweden Gwebu, A. and Kabir, Md. H. (2019). “Investigating culture and its influence on socio-economic development in the Kingdom of Eswatini”. International Conference on Accounting & Management (ICAM 2019), Malaysia. Motlhaudi, GG. (2019). The role of business incubation and apprenticeship in the performance of SMMEs in South Africa: a working paper. International Business Conference on September 22nd -25th 2019, Hermanus, South Africa. Sifundza, S. G. and Kabir, Md. H. (2019). “Assessing the effectiveness of Lean Service Principle on control and maintenance of the wage bill at Management Services Division, Eswatini”. International Conference on Accounting & Management (ICAM 2019), Malaysia. Ramos E. Mabugu (2019), “Economic Analysis and Constitutionalism in sub Saharan Africa” Seventh Stellenbosch Annual Seminars on Constitutionalism in Africa 2019 (SASCA 2019): Constitutionalism and the economy in Africa, 18-20 September 2019. Stellenbosch University, South Africa Ramos E. Mabugu and Eddie Rakabe (2019), “How Erratic Tax Policies Are Impeding Revenue Mobilization in Zambia”, Centre for Global Growth (CGD) Policy Conference 161, November 2019, Nairobi, Kenya Obioha OO & Garg AK (2019) “Bank External Exigencies and Customer Loyalty Nexus in Nigeria Retail Banking. ” Upcoming Paper to be presented at the 21st Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association on July 9-13, 2019 in Paris, France. Omoruyi, O. 2019. The mediating role of information and communication technology on supply chain networks, supply chain flexibility and SMEs performance. 31 Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), hosted by the School of Management Sciences, Nelson Mandela University, 8-11 September 2019. Theme: Responsible Management in Disruptive times. Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-928472-18-6. Editors: S.M Farrington. 295-311. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2019. Examining the effect of reverse logistics, green logistics and green innovation practices on firm performance: a case of SMEs in Gauteng Province. 31 Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), hosted by the School of Management Sciences, Nelson Mandela University, 8-11 September 2019. Theme: Responsible Management in Disruptive times. Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-928472-18-6. Editors: S.M Farrington. 312-326. Chinomona, E; Omoruyi, O. 2019. Investigating the antecedents of green image in South African Manufacturing Companies. 31 Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), hosted by the School of Management Sciences, Nelson Mandela University, 8-11 September 2019. Theme: Responsible Management in Disruptive times. Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-928472-18-6. Editors: S.M Farrington. 327-341. Nwele, U.K., Omoruyi, O. & Chhinomona, E. 2019. Buyer-supplier commitment and competitive performance among SMEs in the southern Gauteng. 31 Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), hosted by the School of Management Sciences, Nelson Mandela University, 8-11 September 2019. Theme: Responsible Management in Disruptive times. Conference Proceedings ISBN: 978-1-928472-18-6. Editors: S.M Farrington. 18-31. Less
2018 Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Social Sciences, George. 2018. Enhancing service delivery in the SAPS: the combined effect of perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. Pretorius T and Rangongo F (2018) “The relationship between personality type and learning style of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) students at a new comprehensive university”. 3rd WIL Africa Conference from 18-20 July 2018 at Coastlands, Umhlanga Convention Centre, Durban. Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga and Ismael Fofana (2018), “South Africa Milestones to Achieving SDGs on Poverty and Hunger” The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) and the Latin American Group for Public Administration (LAGPA) Joint Conference: Globalisation, Territories and Integration, 23-26 July 2018, Lima, Peru Pierre, A. Joubert. International Academic Conference of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Amsterdam, 2018. Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour of South African Police Service officials. Motlhaudi, GG. (2018). Business Practices and Corporate Entrepreneurship As Impetuses For SME Growth. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs on October 11th – 12th, 2018, University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart Media University (Germany). Dakora, E.A.N. 2018. Fashionomics: Emerging issues and opportunities in Africa. Presented at: Beyond the Creative Economy: Trends and Issues in the National and Regional Economies. 3rd International Conference of the South African Cultural Observatory, 07-08 March 2018, Nelson Mandela University (Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium), Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Pretorius T and Rangongo F (2018) “The relationship between personality type and learning style of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) students at a new comprehensive university”. 3rd WIL Africa Conference from 18-20 July 2018 at Coastlands, Umhlanga Convention Centre, Durban. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2018. Information technology, supplier and product improvement influence on small and medium enterprises performance. The 30th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), Conference 16-19 September 2018, STIAS, Stellenbosch. ISBN: 978-0-7972-1729-4. EDITORS: Prof. Edwin Theron & Ms Lomari Theart. 664-656. Lavhelani, P.H., Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2018. The Influence of Dynamic Capabilities, Service Quality and Relationship Longevity on the Supply Chain Performance of Small to Medium Enterprises in South Africa. 9th International Conference on Social Sciences, 29-31 August 2018, George. ISBN: 978-1-86822-688-7. E-book online: www.icssconference.net Advancing Inter-disciplinary & Multi-Disciplinary Studies on Social Science. EDITORS: Social Science Research Society (Turkey) and Faculty of Economic & Management Science, North-West University, (South Africa): 31-46. Chinomona, E. & Omoruyi. O. 2018. Determining the impact of supplier environmental adaptation, supplier development support and supplier conflict resolution on supplier performance. The 30th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS), Conference 16-19 September 2018, STIAS, Stellenbosch. ISBN: 978-0-7972-1729-4. EDITORS: Prof. Edwin Theron & Ms Lomari Theart. 585-597. Dr Elizabeth Madipuo Tlhogane, Prof Ogutu Collins Miruka, Nyawo Gumede. Implementing health systems governance structures using participatory action research in a decentralized system., SAAPAM 18th Annual Conference,2018. Nyawo Gumede & Prof K. Asmah-Ando. The restructuring strategy in South Africa: Glasnost and Perestroika. SAAPAM 18th Annual Conference, 2018. Nyawo Gumede. Theoretical perspectives on strategic management, leadership and environmental analysis for strategy formulation. SAAPAM 18th Annual Conference, 2018. Motlhaudi, GG. (2018). Business Practices and Corporate Entrepreneurship As Impetuses For SME Growth. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs on October 11th – 12th, 2018, University of Hohenheim / Stuttgart Media University (Germany). Less
2017 Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Mauritius, 2017. Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees in a steel manufacturing company in South Africa. (Best presentation). Obioha OO (2017) “Customer Attributes as Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Nigeria Retail Banks.” Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences held on 23-25 August in Durban, South Africa. Pierre, A. Joubert. HR issues in school’s symposium. 2017. Managing sexual harassment in SA schools. Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Social Sciences, Durban, 2017. Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees of Non-Governmental Organisations in Swaziland. Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E. 2017. The influence of supplier selection, supplier trust and supplier communication on firm performance in the Southern Gauteng Province. 29th SAIMS Annual Conference, 10 – 12 September 2017, Bloomfountain ISBN: 978-0-620-76976-1(e-book) Management Research: Science Serving Practice | EDITOR: Dr Jacques Nel, 991-1005. Chinomona, E. & Omoruyi. O. 2017. The impact of social media on firm performance, knowledge sharing and information sharing. A case of companies in the Gauteng province. 29th SAIMS Annual Conference, 10 – 12 September 2017, Bloomfountain ISBN: 978-0-620-76976-1(e-book) Management Research: Science Serving Practice | EDITOR: Dr Jacques Nel, 288-304. Less
2016 Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Social Sciences, Cape Town, 2016. Justice in the workplace: the influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organisational citizenship behaviour among employees in the SA Police Service. Kabir, Md. H. and Sekhukhune, M., (2016). “Swaziland’s new Companies Act 2009 and its impact on corporate sectors” Dhaka International Business and Social Science Research Conference (DIBSRC), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Obioha OO (2016) “Consumer Credit Law and Debt Management in South Africa.” Paper presented at 18th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on October 16-20, 2016 in Dubai, UAE. Mashigo, M. P. and Kabir, Md. H. (2016). “Village Banks: A Financial Strategy” Dhaka International Business and Social Science Research Conference (DIBSRC), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pierre, A. Joubert. International Conference on Marketing, Business and Economics, Bali, Indonesia. 2016. Corporate social responsibility, organisational commitment and intention to stay of employees at a telecommunications company in Cameroon. Obioha, OO (2016) “Consumer Credit Law and Debt Management in South Africa.” In Delener NJ, Fuxman L, Lu FV, and Rodrigues S (Eds) Exceeding the Vision: Innovate, Integrate and Motivate. Reading Book of 18th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on October 16-20, 2016 in Dubai, UAE. Pp 390 – 399. ISBN: 1-932917-12-8. Rangongo F. 2016. The Conversion of Agricultural Cooperatives to Companies in South Africa Obioha, OO (2016) “Consumer Credit Law and Debt Management in South Africa.” In Delener NJ, Fuxman L, Lu FV, and Rodrigues S (Eds) Exceeding the Vision: Innovate, Integrate and Motivate. Reading Book of 18th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on October 16-20, 2016 in Dubai, UAE. Pp 390 – 399. ISBN: 1-932917-12-8. Less
2015 Kabir, Md. H., Mukuddem-Petersen, J. and Petersen, M. A. (2015). “Companies’ Perceptions of CSR Demonstration in South Africa and Australia: A Comparative Analysis”. Australasian Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ACBSS), Sydney, Australia. Pierre, A. Joubert. International Business and Economics Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015. Sexual harassment in sport organisations in the Gauteng province of South Africa. Kabir, Md. H. (2015). “CSR Practice: South African Listed Companies”. Academy of Business and Emerging Markets Conference (ABEM), Windhoek, Namibia. Nyawo Gumede & Prof K. Asmah-Ando. The dynamics of public enterprises restructuring reform and organizational changes. SAAPAM 15th Annual Conference, 2015 Nyawo Gumede & Prof K. Asmah-Ando. The practice of downsizing: Forms and implications in public enterprises. SAAPAM 15th Annual Conference, 2015 Less
2014 Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga, Ismael Fofana, Babatunde Abidoye and Vandudzayi Mbanda (2014), “Assessing the General Equilibrium Effects of Social Grants in South Africa” 17th Annual GTAP Conference on Global Economic Analysis: New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development, June 2014, Dakar, Senegal Kabir, Md. H., Mukuddem-Petersen, J. and Petersen, M. A. (2014). “Formal Strategic Planning and Humanistic Culture – CSR Demonstration: South African Listed Companies”. 14th FRAP – Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Conference, University of Oxford, UK. Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Corporate social responsibility disclosure practices by a less developing African country”. 9th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Khoza, R B M and Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Evaluating South African RDP Housing Delivery Mechanism: Evidence from a Local Municipality”. 9th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Adelopo, I. and Kabir, Md. H. (2014). “Understanding the drivers for corporate governance reforms in a setting with low market incentives”. 9th workshop of the BAFA Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies Special Interest Group, University of Birmingham, UK. Obioha, OO and Garg AK (2014) “Corporate Governance Practices and Customer Retention Nexus in Nigeria retail banking sector.” In Delener NJ, Fuxman L, Lu FV, and Rodrigues S (Eds) Managing in an Interconnected World: Pioneering Business and Technology Excellence. Reading Book of 16th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on July 8-12, 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Pp 422 – 429. ISBN: 1-932917-10-1. Obioha OO and Garg AK (2014) “Corporate Governance Practices and Customer Retention Nexus in Nigeria retail banking sector.” Paper presented at 16th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on July 8-12, 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Nyawo Gumede & Prof K. Asmah-Ando. Restructuring of State Owned Enterprises through privatization: Options and NDP prescriptions in South Africa. SAAPAM 14th Annual Conference, 2014 Nyawo Gumede. Trichotomy of Public Affairs in Governance: The epistemological theorization of the dominance of liberation movement based (LMB) political parties in South Africa. SAAPAM 14th Annual Conference,2014 Nyawo Gumede, Ndwakhulu Tshishonga & Dr Dipholo. A double-edged sword? Reflections on the development of the San communities of Botswana and South Africa, SAAPAM 14th Annual Conference, 2014 Obioha, OO and Garg AK (2014) “Corporate Governance Practices and Customer Retention Nexus in Nigeria retail banking sector.” In Delener NJ, Fuxman L, Lu FV, and Rodrigues S (Eds) Managing in an Interconnected World: Pioneering Business and Technology Excellence. Reading Book of 16th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on July 8-12, 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Pp 422 – 429. ISBN: 1-932917-10-1. Nyawo Gumede & XL Dlamini. Governance and rural tourism: Economic and Environmental Impacts. SAAPAM 14th Annual Conference, 2014 Obioha, EE and Obioha, OO (2014) “Implementing Ethics and Prevention of Corruption at Management and Leadership Levels of Organisations.” In Delener NJ, Fuxman L, Lu FV, and Rodrigues S (Eds) Managing in an Interconnected World: Pioneering Business and Technology Excellence. Reading Book of 16th Annual Conference of Global Business and Technology Association held on July 8-12, 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Pp 430 – 437. ISBN: 1-932917-10-1. Nyawo Gumede & XL Dlamini. Governance in the tourism sector: A case of sustainable development and community participation in Ezulwini Valley. SAAPAM 14th Annual Conference, 2014. Less
2024 2022 Less Ramos E. Mabugu, Hélène Maisonnave, Martin Henseler, Margaret Chitiga and Albert Makochekanwa (2022), Simulations of policy responses and interventions to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis in Zimbabwe, Working Paper WP 2022-XX: In Press. Ramos E. Mabugu, Vaqar Ahmed, Margaret Chitiga and Kehinde Omotoso (2022), Marginalization of researchers in the global south in global, regional, and national economic-development consulting, Working Paper WP 2022-05: https://www.pep-net.org/working-papers. Less
2021 Rashid Mekki Hassan and Ramos Mabugu. (2021). Implications of climate mitigation measures for poverty and inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Framework for multiple country research study. Working Paper Series: CC-007. African Economic Research Consortium. Less
2022 Prof ER Mabugu appointed to Northern Cape Provincial Growth and Investment Council effective March 2022. Less
2021 Prof ER Mabugu received the Vice Chancellor Excellence Award for Excellence in Research, (Sol Plaatje University, South Africa, 2021). Less
The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Research (CEDAR) was launched by the School of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) on 1 December 2022. The vision of CEDAR is to blend theory and practice to create knowledge, improve understanding, and challenge thinking in the area of entrepreneurship. CEDAR is envisaged to assist in creating a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that is intended to contribute positively to the Northern Cape economy through focusing on the following three main objectives:
- Pedagogy: develop world-leading academic programmes such as the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and the Higher Certificate in Entrepreneurship that produce professionals able to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity as they develop their business acumen in an entrepreneurial learning environment.
- Entrepreneurship development: (i) drive the student entrepreneurship agenda through initiatives such as competitions, mentoring, and start-up laboratories/incubators; (ii) drive the entrepreneurial agenda through collaborations with businesses to deliver consultancy and training while capitalising on CEDAR’s dynamic capability; (iii) drive social impact through the establishment of sustainable businesses by entrepreneurs, student entrepreneurs, and graduate entrepreneurs. The Economic Activation Office will be located in the Centre and will coordinate student entrepreneurial activities such as EDHE Intervarsity, Student Entrepreneurship Week, Student Women Economic Empowerment Project and Enactus.
- Research: contribute significantly to the wider academic research community through publishing, conferences, supervision, and research by staff and students. Entrepreneurship research areas include the psychology of entrepreneurship; SME and microenterprise development; business incubation; environmental entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurship and rural and township development.
Contact CEDAR:
Acting Director: Prof Ricardo Peters
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone: 053 491 0058
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