Dear SPU Students
Following the communication that was shared with you on 7 June 2022, in line with the Residence Rules, as signed at the beginning of the year by all the residence students, my office would like to inform you of recent developments.
The SRC raised concerns over the amount that is being levied for students who will be staying behind during the vacation accommodation period for the purpose of writing supplementary exams, or for student leadership and development engagements, or for university sport engagements. The University will not charge the R50.00 fee for holiday/supplementary accommodation.
It must be noted that all students will still be required to vacate their accommodation and must do so within 48 hours after their last supplementary examination.
The mid-year vacation and end of year vacation periods allow the University to provide major maintenance to the residences, generate third-stream income to further support student social relief fund initiatives and provide places for alumni, student development programmes and sporting codes to be accommodated at a nominal cost.
Students who cannot go home during the vacation periods, due to extenuating factors, can make an application to the Residence Office and will need to provide a motivation with evidence to support their request.
Students who are already vacating their residences must liaise with their respective wardens and sub-wardens for the signing out procedure and the storage of their belongings.
We continue to wish you well during your mid-year exams.
Kind regards,
Professor Andrew M Crouch
Vice-Chancellor and Principal