Sol Plaatje University (SPU) Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Andrew Crouch recently hosted the SPU Talent Pipeline Programme (TPP) Farewell Ceremony, which bid farewell to 23 matric learners from various schools across the Northern Cape.
The TPP was launched in October 2021 and aims to identify the top-performing high school learners in grades 10, 11 and 12 from a broad range of schools across the province. These learners are invited to enrol in school holiday programmes at SPU during which they receive refresher courses on their school curriculum and take part in psycho-social educational enrichment programmes to prepare them for tertiary studies.
The 23 learners are part of last year’s grade 11 TPP intake who are now in grade 12 and will soon sit for their National Senior Certificate (Matric) examinations. These learners received certificates and medals at the TPP Farewell and Closing Ceremony held at the SPU Multi-Purpose Hall on South Campus on Friday, 8 July.
The learners included top performers from Danielskuil High School in Danielskuil, Umso High School in Colesberg, De Aar and Monwabisi High Schools in De Aar, and Hoerskool Diamantveld, Kimberley Boys’ High School, Tetlanyo Secondary School, Boresetse High School, and Voyolwethu High School in Kimberley.
Dignitaries attending the ceremony included Chair of the SPU Council Judge Violet Phatshoane, Ms Josephine Pieters Senior Manager: Social Impact at De Beers Group, the anchor funder of the programme, Mrs Moira Marais HOD Northern Cape Department of Education, and Mr Mafu Davids representative from the Northern Cape Office of the Premier.

“This is a special occasion not only for you, but also for the institution,” Prof Crouch told the learners. He reminded his audience that the TPP’s goal has always been to build a pipeline to help high school learners transition to tertiary institutions. “I think of what you can and should become, and how we close the gaps. The TPP is one way to close the gaps and build a bridge. Then, the newfound knowledge and skills you acquire, you must take back and go and share with the other learners.”
Bidding farewell to the TPP’s Matric 2022 cohort, Prof Crouch said, “This programme is meant to make sure you stand a better chance of succeeding in your life. I hope the University assisted you. Indeed, you are the future, the crème de la crème of the Northern Cape.”
Ms Pieters shared a few pearls of wisdom about the importance of the choices the learners will have to make as they grow. “This celebration is part of living. You have come such a long way, but this is not the end. No, this is the beginning of you making those life choices which will shape who you become. Life choices can either be good or bad. You can’t blame others, you cannot press rewind or run away, you have to remain focused, motivated, and inspired. Living is not easy. Today marks the beginning, so go and do your best, and be thankful.”
Waylan Muller, a grade 12 learner from Kimberley Boys’ High School, thanked Professor Crouch and the funders for including a diverse range of schools in the programme. He shared a heartfelt message to the SPU staff and his peers. “From an all-boy school, with limited diversity, how timid I felt when I walked into the buildings for the first time. I was chosen to be part of this programme for a reason, and the programme has helped me. I can now tackle problems in the world and in the classroom. I hope the SPU TPP continues to grow and become even bigger than what it is now. I will forever be grateful for all that the TPP has offered me, and it has certainly booked itself rent-free accommodation not only in my memory, but in my heart too.”
The University thanks the Matric 2022 cohort for being part of the exciting and rewarding journey with the SPU Talent Pipeline Programme. We enjoyed getting to know you – we wish you well in your exams and hope to see you back at SPU in 2023, but wherever you go you are now always part of our SPU family!