If you have an Android-based phone* and would like to have information about Sol Plaatje University (SPU) at your fingertips, you can now download the MySPU app to your phone and access a range of SPU services, maps and news with just a few taps.
The launch of the MySPU app is a key component of the University’s digital transformation drive. Currently the app boasts tiles showing maps of key locations on the SPU campuses, and provides direct click-throughs to Outlook, the SPU vacancies page, emergency information, the latest SPU news, events and the University’s academic calendar.
The app is regularly updated to improve your experience and access to relevant and personalised information, as well as important University communication.
We encourage students, staff, and any other member of the broader SPU community, including members of the public, to download the app and use it as your first stop for all things SPU.
Please send feedback and suggestions for new features via the convenient Feedback tab built into the app so we can constantly improve its value to all our stakeholders.
You can install the MySPU app on your Android-based mobile phone through the Play Store by searching for ‘Sol Plaatje University’.
If your phone does not support the app and you want to access its features from your phone browser or desktop computer, you can do so by clicking here.