The School of Economic and Management Sciences invites you to its Second seminar presentation of the EMS Seminar Series 2023.
The Seminar Presentation will take place as follows:
Topic: Trade Union Members’ Perception of the Effectiveness of and Satisfaction with their Unions in Gauteng South.
Date: 03 May 2023
Time: 13h00-14h00
Venue: C013 Academic Building
Presenter: Prof Pierre Joubert, EMS Head of School.
Talk Summary
Trade unionism is a phenomenon that has had a huge impact on the working lives of millions of people across the globe over many years. Despite its impact, however, current research demonstrates that membership of trade unions is on the decline in many countries, including South Africa. Several reasons have been put forward in a bid to explain the challenges faced by the trade union movement, which led to the reported decline in their membership. This seminar will, against this background, engage on the effectiveness of and member satisfaction with their trade unions drawing from an empirical study conducted in Gauteng South.
Speaker Bio
Professor Pierre Joubert is a Professor of Human Resource Management, Head of SPU’s School of Economic and Management Sciences, Deputy Chair of the National Community of Practice (COP) for Economic Activation Offices (EAO) of the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) and a board member of the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) whose research focuses on human resource management. He has published numerous articles on contemporary human resource management issues ranging from workplace behavior, social justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction to employee retention and talent management.