SPU Annual Student Entrepreneurship Week (SEW) 2023

Are you interested in learning how to make a difference in your community while making money in the process? If yes, then this event is for you.

The Sol Plaatje University (SPU) Centre for Entrepreneurship Development & Research (CEDAR) in partnership with the School of Economics & Management Sciences will be hosting the annual Student Entrepreneurship Week (SEW) 2023. The aim of the Student Entrepreneurship Week is to promote and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit amongst the SPU student, staff, and broader community; whilst equipping them to participate in the economy, showcasing opportunities for students within the university, and highlighting the best of both worlds as a student and an entrepreneur. The theme is #innovation4impact, focusing on how we can use innovation and creative thinking to find solutions to the many socio-economic problems facing our communities, while making money in the process (see attached poster).

CEDAR has also partnered with the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) in showcasing the Northern Cape  Vuk’uzenzele Talks (VUKTalks), which aims to inform the Northern Cape Youth on the socio-economic opportunities and support that government provides and how to access these opportunities to become successful entrepreneurs and business owners. VUK Talks aims to empower NC youth with the economic opportunities available to them by discussing various socio-economic related issues facing this dynamic group of the South African population, whilst encouraging them to provide innovative solutions by utilizing the support provided.

The event details are as follows:

Event Theme: Shaping & Creating a Vibrant Entrepreneurial Ecosystem #innovation4impact

Date: Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Time: 08h15 – 13h00

Venue: SPU Central Campus Library Auditorium, Scanlan Street, Kimberley or join online by clicking on the MS teams link –https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19% 3ameeting_YjgwMjM2N2EtZDBhNy00OThkLWE5NjgtYTk2ODM5YTY4MWY0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22acbcaed8-7adc-460c-ba57-028bdc80d84a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%228d8e16bb-7d2b-4e0c-84bb-ccd0feb63db9%22%7d

Kindly RSVP physical or virtual attendance on the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpThkFxJ01RP_R996lyTmNihcmgkACWyvhWmLu_bTfKh45WA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Students who wish to enter the pitching competition on the day stand a chance to win prizes towards their business idea or existing business, may apply on the registration link, under part 2 of the form.

Prizes will be up for grabs for participating members of the audience.  

Note: The SPU Student Club ENACTUS, a social entrepreneurship club, will be making a visit to Christina Kiddie & Youth Centre to donate food items, clothing and toiletries. We kindly encourage all students and staff to drop off their donation to Office 303 Third floor Academic Building Central Campus between 9am & 4pm. Kindly contact Thato Saul (ENACTUS Deputy President) on 063 773 1297 for further enquiries or to make the donation.

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