Sol Plaatje University (SPU) is excited to host the 2023 Forum for Audit, Risk and Forensics (FARF) Conference from 9-10 November 2023 at the Multi- Purpose Hall on South Campus. The conference will be hosted under the theme ‘’Sustainability’’ and will cover a range of topics that will highlight the importance of internal audit in universities, raise awareness and seek solutions to the ongoing challenges faced by higher education institutions with regards to audit, risk and forensics.
The objective of the forum is to promote internal audit, risk management and forensic audit practices through:
- Sharing of information and knowledge resources
- Promoting best practices
- Collaboration on national initiatives
- Supporting internal audit, risk management and forensic audit professionals at South African higher education institutions to build collegial relationships and developing capacity
Among the delegates will be Chief Audit Executives, Chief Risk Officers, Forensic Directors/Heads and other representatives in internal audit, risk management and forensics functions working in higher education, who will present and give insight on various topics on audit, risk and forensic in the higher education landscape.