Call for nominations to serve on the Sol Plaatje University Council

Sol Plaatje University (SPU) was established in 2013 and commenced its academic programmes in 2014 and plays an important role, both locally, in the Northern Cape, and nationally.

The University Council governs the University in terms of the Higher Education Act, 101 of 1997 as amended, as well as the SPU Institutional Statute.

The University Council has the fiduciary responsibility and duty of governance and policy making and is ultimately responsible for determining the University’s strategic direction.

Organisations, interest groups, and individuals are hereby invited to nominate suitable candidates, preferably from the Northern Cape, to be considered for appointment to serve as external members on the SPU Council, for a four (4) year term. It is important to note that: Council members are not employees of the University and do not receive salaries.

It is essential that persons nominated are familiar with the Higher Education Sector and have the following:

1) A tertiary qualification; and

2) High-level expertise and experience in institutional governance, as it pertains to one or more of the fields applicable to the work of University Councils (in this instance, with particular reference, but not limited to, the following):

  • Community Development
  • Agriculture / Mining / Entrepreneurship
  • Infrastructure Development / Engineering
  • Finance / Remuneration
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Strategy Development
  • Human Resources / Labour Law

Nominations must be:

– in writing and accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the nominee and his/her acceptance of the nomination, as per the NOMINATION FORM to be completed, which can be downloaded here

– inclusive of a motivation on how the nominee would contribute to the role of the SPU Council, as it pertains to governance and oversight in the Higher Education Sector of the above (or any other) fields; and

– submitted to the University Registrar at [email protected] by no later than Tuesday, 30 April 2024.

No employees/students of SPU, or of other universities, or local, provincial, or national political office bearers are eligible for appointment. Nominations of females and persons with disabilities are encouraged.

Disclaimer: If no notification of appointment as a member of the SPU Council is received within six (6) months of the closing date, please accept that your nomination was unsuccessful.

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