WORTH Project: Paving a research-driven future at SPU’s school of humanities

The School of Humanities successfully launched the WORTH (Women in Research in the Humanities) project on 30 August 2023 with a thought-provoking colloquium. This event is a cornerstone in SPU’s strategic goal to become a research-intensive institution. The colloquium allowed female academics in the School of Humanities to showcase their diverse research areas.

The event commenced with a poignant poem by Ms Sizakele Mokhele, titled “I’m a Mother,” followed by a keynote address from Deputy Vice Chancellor: Teaching and Learning, Prof Debra Meyer. Prof Meyer not only spotlighted challenges that women face in academia and research but also provided practical solutions to overcome these obstacles. She stressed the importance of women breaking stereotypes and leading ground-breaking research, inspiring them to find their unique voice. She closed her presentation with the famous quote by Marie Curie: “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

Ms Gail Motlhaudi, a life coach and lecturer from the School of Economics and Management Sciences, continued the inspirational vibe with her presentation on maintaining a healthy work-life balance and not dimming one’s light. The audience took this positivity to heart in their own research presentations, which spanned a range of important issues, from the resilience of young HIV-affected mothers and the importance of sign language to gender inequality in the workplace and faunal remains from the late Iron Age.

What’s next for WORTH? The School of Humanities is keen to sustain the momentum generated by WORTH’s successful launch. Plans for 2024 include a series of monthly research-themed seminars (focus on women researching human rights for March 2024, research focus on youth for June, political freedom for May, etc) and the development of partnerships with the Faculties of Humanities at UFS and NWU. These initiatives are set to further enrich the research culture within the School and at SPU at large.

The School of Humanities extends its gratitude to Prof Meyer, Ms Motlhaudi, all invited guests, and the SPU community for making this event a remarkable success.

Keep an eye out for more details on the WORTH 2024 Calendar!

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